Biography of Japanese Painter
Ikegami Shuho (1874 - 1944)

Japanese-style painter through the Meiji to Showa eras.
Shuho was good at painting Sansui landscape views and flowers & birds
Shuho was born in 1874 as the second son of Ikegami Shuka in Takato Town
of Nagano Prefecture.
His real given name was Kunisaburo.(Shuho is a pseudonym.)
The family business of the Ikegamis was warehouse dealer of papers and
knickknacks from the Edo period.
As the family was financially well-off, both Shuho's father and grandfather
enjoyed drawing, composing Haiku and Tanka poems, Chanoyu tea ceremony
and flower arrangement as their hobbies.
Shuho was greatly affected by the circumstances.
In 1889, Shuho graduated from an elementary school and went to Tokyo with
his father to become a professional painter.
He became the first disciple of Araki Kanpo who was obscure at that time.
In 1906, he married with his fellow pupil, Ohoka Toyoko.
For three straight years from 1916, Shuho won the special prizes for the
Bunten Exhibitions.
Although, as he was disaffected by the judging system of the Bunten, he
became a champion of reform of that exhibition.
In 1933 Shuho became an adjudicator of the Teiten Exhibition.
In 1944, in the process of World War 2, he deceased at the age of 70.