Title" Kakinomoto no Hitomaro " Thirty-six Master Poets
PainterOno Shunryo
Signature & SealYes
Part of DrawingSilk, 122.5 x 42 cm ( 48.2 x 16.5 inches )
MountingSilk, 188 x 38.5 cm ( 74 x 15.2 inches )
Roller End MaterialAntler
BoxWood Box
The scroll may have been re-mounted.
We estimate the painting part was depicted before the Second World War.
There are a few stains and amotions on the painting part.
Some slight folds are also recognized.
As a whole, the condition of this scroll is not so bad.
The motif is Kakinomoto no Hitomaro (660? - 720?), court noble in the Asuka
period, one of the 36 Master Poets in Japan.
Especially, Hitomaro is regarded as one of the Big Two Poets along with
Yamabe no Akahito.
The composition of this picture is that Hitomaro is thinking and writing
a poem under the moon.
The scene is painted artistically.